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How do I know I can trust the sitters provided by Sittercity?

Great question. makes finding the perfect sitter quick, safe and simple. With over a million caregiver profiles nationwide, Sittercity is America's largest and most trusted site for matching parents with local babysitters and nannies as well as dog walkers, and senior care providers. Sittercity takes safety very seriously. While Sittercity does not screen each sitter themselves, they have a wealth of resources available to help parents pick a sitter they can trust – because ultimately you know what’s best for your family. Resources include a four-step screening process, which Sittercity recommends all parents complete before hiring a sitter. On Sittercity, parents can get feedback from other parents who have used the sitter before. Parents also have free access to sitter background checks, and Sittercity provides a wealth of tips for interviewing your sitter. You can even find trustworthy sitters at your destination when traveling.

PS: If you are a trustworthy sitter looking for employment, you are invited to register with us. Just enter your zipcode in the search box, and you are on your way. More details can be found on the following pages on the Sittercity site (each page opens in a new window which you can close after reading to return to this page to search for your Sitter):

...Now are you ready to try Sittercity...America's first and largest babysitter network?

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